the big sky library of asian speculative fiction

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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

川端康成 | Yasunari Kawabata

Legal name:  川端康成

Transliterated name:  Kawabata, Yasunari

Birth place:  Osaka, Japan

Birth date:  14 June 1899

Death date:  16 April 1972

Language:  Japanese

Bibliographic comments:

Biographic comments:  


Palm-of-the-Hand Stories


Library edition: 2006 edition, 1st printing


ISBN 978-4-8053-0653-6

Trade paperback, xiv+238 pages



  •  Translated by Lane Dunlop and J. Martin Holman.

  •  70 miniature stories, the only speculative story being 'Immortality', written in 1963.

Fiction: A Sunny Place  //  The Weaker Vessel  //  The Girl Who Approached the Fire  //  A Saw and Childbirth  //  The

Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket  //  The Ring  //  Hair  //  Canaries  //  Harbor Town  //  Photograph  //  The White

Flower  //  The Incident of the Dead Face  //  Glass  //  The O-Shin Jizo  //  The Sliding Rock  //  Thank You  //  The

Silverberry Thief  //  Summer Shoes  //  A Child's Viewpoint  //  Love Suicides  //  The Maidens' Prayers  //  Towards

Winter  //  The Sparrow's Matchmaking  //  The Hat Incident  //  One Person's Happiness  //  There Is a God  //  Goldfish

on the Roof  //  Mother  //  Morning Nails  //  The Young Lady of Suruga  //  Yuriko  //  God's Bones  //  A Smile Outside

the Night Stall //  The Blind Man and the Girl  //  The Wife's Search  //  Her Mother's Eye  //  Thunder in Autumn  //  

Household  //  The Rainy Station  //  At the Pawnshop  //  Lavatory Buddhahood  //  The Man Who Did Not Smile  //  

Samurai Descendant  //  The Rooster and the Dancing Girl  //  Makeup  //  The Bound Husband  //  Sleeping Habit  //  

Umbrella  //  Death Mask  //  Faces  //  The Younger Sister's Clothes  //  The Wife of the Autumn Wind  //  A Pet Dog's

Safe Birthing  //  Hometown  //  Water  //  The Silver Fifty-Sen Pieces  //  Tabi  //  The Jay  //  Bamboo-Leaf Boats  //  

Eggs  //  The Snakes  //  Autumn Rain  //  The Neighbors  //  Up in the Tree  //  Riding Clothes  //  Immortality  //  Earth  

//  The White Horse  //  Snow  //  Gleanings from Snow Country