the big sky library of asian speculative fiction

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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

Norman Erikson Pasaribu

Legal name:  Pasaribu, Norman Erikson

Birth place:  Jakarta, Indonesia

Birth date:  1990

Language:  Indonesian

Bibliographic comments:

Biographic comments:  


Happy Stories, Mostly


Library edition:  December 2021, 1st edition

Tilted Axis Press

ISBN 978-1-9112-8463-5

B-format paperback, 163 pages



  •  Translated by Tiffany Tsao.

Fiction: Enkidu Comes Knocking on New Year's Eve  //  A Bedtime Story for Your Long Sleep  //  So What's Your

Name, Sandra?  //  A Young Poet's Guide to Surviving a Broken Heart  //  The True Story of the Story of the Giant  //  

Three Love You, Four Despise You  //  Metaxu: Jakarta, 2038  //  Deep Brown, Verging on Black  //  Welcome to the

Department of Unanswered Prayers  //  Ad mairen dei gloriam  //  Our Descendants Will Be As Numerous As the

Clouds in the Sky  //  Her Story

Essay: Norman Erikson Pasaribu, Tiffany Tsao, A Mostly Happy Chat About Happy Stories, Mostly