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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

Генрих Альтов  |  Genrikh Altov

Legal name:  Альтшу́ллер, Ге́нрих Сау́лович

Transliterated name:  Altshuller, Genrikh Saulovich

Birth place:  Taskhent, Uzbek, USSR

Birth date:  15 October 1926

Death date:  24 September 1998

Language:  Russian


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Ballad of the Stars

with Valentina Zhuravlyova


<  December 1982, 1st edition


ISBN 0-02-501740-3

Hardcover, 280 pages



  •  Translated by Roger DeGaris.

Fiction: The Star River Test  //  The Donkey Axiom  //  Icarus and Daedalus  //  The Supernova Aretina  //  Fire Flower  

//  Valentina Zhuravlyova, Snow Bridge Over the Abyss  //  Valentina Zhuravlyova, Adventure  //  Valentina

Zhuravlyova, To Continue Beyond  //  Ballad of the Stars (with Valentina Zhuravlyova)

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