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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

Non-fiction anthology: Science Fiction Circuits of the South and East

Editors (alphabetically listed):  Anindita Banerjee  |  Sonja Fritzsche

Language:  English

Bibliographic comments:

Science Fiction Circuits of the South and East

Anindita Banerjee, Sonja Fritzsche, eds.


<  October 2018, 1st edition

Peter Lang

ISBN 978-1-78707-593-1

Trade paperback, ix+250 pages



  •  'Introduction: Beyond the West and the Rest: Science Fiction Circuits of the South and East' by Anindita Banerjee

     and Sonja Fritzsche.

  •  Relevant contents are highlighted in white.

Essays: Anindita Banerjee, T/Racing Revolution Between Red October and the Black Atlantic  //  Miguel García,

Eugenia: Engineering New Citizens in Mexico's Laboratory of Socialism  //  Antonio Cordoba, Between Moscow and

Santa Clara: The Soviet-Cuban Imaginary in Agustín de Rojas' Espiral (1980)  //  Carl Gelderloos, Alien Evolution and

Dilaectical Materialism in Eastern European Science Fiction  //  Sonja Fritzsche, A Natural and Artificial Homeland:

German Science Fiction Film Responds to Kubrick and Tarkovsky  //  Sibelan Forrester, Naming the Future in

Translations of Russian and East European Science Fiction  //  Upamanyu Pablo Mukherjee, Ghana-da in Bandung:

Race, Science, and Non-Alignment in Premendra Mitra's Fiction  //  Jinyi Chu, The Afterlife of the Post-Apocalypse:

Dmitry Glukhovsky in China